Experience First Events

Custom website design & build

Skills & Tools

Web Design
Workflow Design

A custom website design and build, for a new corporate hospitality company.

Design challenge


As a startup business, Experience First was targeting large corporates and therefore prioritised a professional, fit-for-purpose website.

It needed to look established from day one, in order to attract the trust and business of the right companies. They asked me to design and build a custom site for their launch.

Not only was the visual style custom designed, the events setup was also tailored to their needs. Individual events are managed through a custom post type (ACF plugin) which allowed them to be inserted into topic pages, as sections. This makes it much easier for the website manager to organise.

The main events calendar was also a custom setup, which takes events placed in the client's Outlook calendar and feeds it into the Calendar page on the website. The feed also populates the ‘Upcoming dates’ section on some event pages.

The development work on this project was done in partnership with digitalgarden.co, a regular collaborator on my WordPress projects.

Process & solution

Impact & learnings

Mark was amazing, and the website was just what I had hoped for. He took the time to understand my requirements, and his attention to detail resulted in an excellent finished site. I highly recommend Mark for any future website projects you or your business may have.
Experience First Events

Let’s work together

  • Based in the UK & available for fractional, part-time or for projects
  • 30 years experience as a designer & creator
  • Multi-skilled in digital design, UX, prototypes & web dev
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